From September 22nd to 24th a Slovenian Chemical Days Annual Meeting was being held in Portorož, Slovenia. Anja Sedminek, a PhD student at JSI has successfully presented her work entitled Hydrothermal growth of CoNi-based spinel nanoparticles. In this work the potential of magnetic nanoparticles as heat source for catalysts was presented.
SEDMINEK, Anja, TERŽAN, Janvit, LIKOZAR, Blaž, GYERGYEK, Sašo. Hydrothermal growth of CoNi-based spinel nanoparticles. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.), et al. Zbornik povzetkov = Book of abstracts : Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2021 = 27th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : 22.-24. september 2021, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2021. Str. 140. ISBN 978-961-93849-9-2.